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On points I’d score it as a narrow win for Gov. Palin, overall on style and substance it was a landslide… She wiped the floor with both Senator Biden and moderator Gwen Ifill.
Best line: “I may not answer the questions the way that the moderator or the Senator may want me to but I will speak to America.”
She lost me with populist greed rhetoric, but I understand they’re trying to appeal to independents and/or undecided voters… But she won me back when channeled Reagan and hit Biden with that “there you go again” line.
I thought she also missed a couple of opportunities to really drive home the point that reducing the corporate tax rate will, in the long term, promote economic growth and create jobs.
Michelle Malkin says SARAH ROCKS… I agree.
Mark Levin says “She is the bright light in this campaign from my perspective.”
Ed Morrissey has post debate commentary and analysis here.
Ace has Biden’s 14 lies.
Stephen Dinan says Biden got the VP’s role wrong.
From the bits I was able to see (I missed the beginning of it due to a conversation), Palin looked really good, Biden looked pretty good so its a narrow victory I think.
Anyone who thinks Palin won is a fool. She was incoherent and rambling when she didn’t stick exclusively to the Republican Talking Points. Her analysis of what the VP job entails is scary since she clearly doesn’t get it, and she is the main reason I am now voting for Obama. The debate last night clinched it for me. There is no way I want her a heartbeat away from the presidency. She can’t even pronounce Nuclear!
Read the Constitution… The Vice President is part of both the Executive and Legislative branches.
Article 1 Section 3 says “The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.”
Palin cleaned Biden’s clock. Biden was making it up as he went along.
If Sarah Palin made as many gaffes as old Joe she would be on her way
back to Alaska today.
Biden won the debate. He won almost every post-debate poll, and he won on substance and accuracy.
Palin did a good job of reciting her prepared answers, whether or not they were relevant to the questions asked. I suppose GOP diehards will see anything that Palin does as a win, but in the real world it is clear that Palin lost. And that’s not taking into account her unwarranted arrogance and condescension towards Biden and Obama. And her bizarre, robotic “maverick” sound bite after hearing Biden’s comments on losing his wife and daughter in a car accident.
Survey USA Biden 51% Palin 32%
Undecided 17%
MediaCurves.com tracked independent voters, showing them breaking to Biden 67% to Palin 33%.
Random and non-random polls for the vice presidential debate declare Biden the winner over Palin in the vice-presidential debate.
Non-random (unscientific) polls on AOL and MSNBC web sites show Biden winning 48 to 45 and 78.6 to 18.9 respectively.
Randomly selected subjects on three other polls also show Biden winning:
CNN/Opinion Research Biden 51 Palin 36
CBS Biden 46 Palin 21
Fox Biden 61 Palin 39
FactCheck.org cited twice as many false claims in Palin’s responses as in Biden’s. Even accounting for the normal cynicism about exaggerations in politics, Palin was at least twice as bad.
Palin: 10
1. “Pre-surge” troop levels in Iraq – WRONG
2. Obama voted for higher taxes on “families” making as little as $42,000 a year
3. McCain’s health care plan would be “budget neutral” – FALSE
4. Palin claimed that “millions of small businesses” would see tax increases under Obama’s tax proposals. – FALSE
5. Gen. McKiernan did not say surge principles would not work in Afghanistan – FALSE
6. Barack Obama had said that all we’re doing in Afghanistan is air-raiding villages and killing civilians. – FALSE
7. Obama-Biden oppose clean coal – FALSE
8. Palin said that McCain had sounded the alarm on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac two years ago. – FALSE ***
9. “We’re circulating about $700 billion a year into foreign countries” – FALSE
10. Palin threw out an old canard when she criticized Obama for voting for the 2005 energy bill and said, “that’s what gave those oil companies those big tax breaks.” – FALSE
*** See also:
So it’s true that McCain spoke out — after a widely read report drew attention to chicanery at the firms. But the implication in McCain’s remarks is that his remarks in 2006 were in some way a warning about the financial markets disaster that struck in 2008. That strikes us as quite a stretch.
Biden: 5
1. Biden wrongly claimed that McCain had said “he wouldn’t even sit down” with the government of Spain. – FALSE
2. Biden claimed that McCain said in a magazine article that he wanted to deregulate the health care industry as the banking industry had been. – FALSE
3. Biden said five times that McCain’s tax plan would give oil companies a “$4 billion tax cut.” – FALSE
4. Biden said that Iraq had an “$80 billion surplus.” – FALSE
5. Biden said four times that McCain had voted 20 times against funding alternative energy. – FALSE
And Jeff, while we’re reading the Constitution, note that the ONLY ‘legislative’ function of the VP is to break a tie vote in the Senate. I am curious to know where Sarah Palin found “a bit more authority” for the VP in the Constitution or why she wants to arrogate such powers to herself if it turns out (as is obvious) that they are not in the Constitution at all.
-Shepherd Moon
or maybe this one: PALIN FOR SENATOR O’BIDEN
Shepherd, we’re going to have to agree to disagree on who won.
I think you’ll I find that the Washington Post, LA Times and Factcheck.org got it wrong. You can find the full transcript of General McKiernan’s press conference here. The relevant parts are:
The principals that McKiernan outlines securing the population first, developing the indigenous security forces to take over, and "reconciliation" issues, are the exact same play book used in Iraq. There differences though and McKiernan was quite clear on them:
So there you have it Palin was right and Biden was wrong.
I find it interesting that Factcheck.org ignored the single biggest error of the night:
Biden: “When we kicked — along with France, we kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon, I said and Barack said, “Move NATO forces in there. Fill the vacuum, because if you don’t know — if you don’t, Hezbollah will control it.”
When exactly was that? Hezbollah has been in Lebanon since the early 1980’s and blossomed in the 1990’s to become roughly one third of Lebanon’s population, with two cabinet members, several members of parliament. They have essentially created an entirely separate government infrastructure in all of southern Lebanon.
No one has ever kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon!
On more amusing note I wonder when Biden last visited Katie’s Restaurant? It apparently
closed in the 1980s.
And Shepherd let me repeat this: Article 1 Section 3 says “The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.” While you are correct that he or she can only vote in the event of a tie that does not change the fact that he or she is the President of the Senate. In fact the Vice President’s only enumerated executive branch role is being first in line as successor to the President should he or she become unable to serve.