I’ve been thinking about what I’d like a candidate for office this year to stand for… Here’s my list:
- A strong dollar – Over the last decade the dollar has fallen in value and we’re paying for it in the form of higher prices for food, oil and gas among other things. Strengthening the dollar will help will bring down the price of gas and other commodities.
- Tax cuts – Specifically make George W. Bush’s marginal rate reductions permanent, reduce the capital gains tax rate, eliminate the “death tax” and cut the corporate tax rate from the current 35 percent to 25 percent.
- Fiscal responsibility – We are not under-taxed, the government spends too much. Want my vote? End earmarks and balance the budget!
- A strong national defense. – Fight for the NSA surveillance program, protect telecom companies from frivolous lawsuits, preserve the PATRIOT act, keep the Guantanamo Bay detention center open, fight to win the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Make sure that our veterans can live out their lives in dignity.
- Secure borders – This is a very simple thing… Any nation that fails to defend its borders will eventually cease to be a sovereign nation. It’s that simple folks.
- Increased domestic energy production – End or at least ease the restrictions on domestic oil and natural gas drilling.
- Free Market health care solutions – Just say no to government controlled nationalized health care. We have to best health care system in the world… Yes there are problems, yes the costs spiraling upwards but nationalized health care isn’t the answer. Free market ideas like health savings accounts, tax breaks for small business owners, and tort reform are better ideas.
- A tuition tax credit for families who chose to send their children to private or parochial schools. – Vouchers are a nonstarter with me but allowing parents to deduct private or parochial school tuition from their taxes makes sense.
- Social Security and Medicare reform.
- The appointment of judges who recognize that their job is to interpret the Constitution, NOT legislate from the bench.
I agree with all ten points. I fear if Americans don’t wake up and get involved this Congress do what the terrorist could not. Thanks for your blog.